Friday, April 9, 2010


I'm thinking of giving up Facebook. Yikes. Its taken me a bit to actually type that. 
I think like most people I have a love/hate relationship with FB. I love catching up on my friends holiday or party photo's, but I hate how impersonal it can be. 
I have 195 FB 'friends' and I remember reading something recently about how it was only possible to maintain 150 relationships. So once you include family (I have a huuuuuuuggggeee family) and friends who don't use FB, I clearly have a lot of FB friends who are not really close. I swore on my holiday that once I got back home, I was going to do a friend cleanout and was only going to keep those people whom I would invite to my house to have a meal and flick through my photo albums with. Well, clearly that hasn't happened. So will I be able to 'take a break' from fb as my first step? Lets see.... Day one is tomorrow!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

She's Here!

My latest littlest baby girl, she's arrived! I have no details about her other than she is here and is healthy and has dark hair! No name, no birth details, no need! (Apparently!) 

The little one... x 

And so I wait....

With baited breath to hear of the safe arrival of my newest niece or nephew. This will be my sixth in the space of three and a half years. You'd expect I'd be used to this awful wait. 

I. Cannot. Wait.

We have no idea if my sister-in-law will have a girl or a boy, we have no idea if this baby will be a chilled out or a hyper being, we have no idea if they will be a fast runner or a book worm. And I love it. The possibilities for this baby are endless. The opportunities for this baby are amazing. The love this baby is surrounded by is limitless. And we still haven't met baby yet. 

I am filled with love today. 


This picture is of my niece when she was just hours old, holding my mothers little finger, C was a very little baby.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Post Holiday Blues

Well I managed to cross off a few more things from my list. And had an awesome time doing it. My one disaster for the holiday was losing my holiday pictures due to a corrupt memory card. Oh the trauma! I do have a few, but not many. 
Some other amazing things I did that weren't on my list - cycling around Paris on the wonderful Velib Bikes - staying at an amazing B&B "The Old Convent" in Tipperary (please visit  Christine and Dermot for an out of this world experience in hospitality) - skiing in the most perfect little village in France - and of course being with my buddies old and new.

Have a picnic under the Eiffel Tower - Ski in EuropeHave a Ferg Burger in Queenstown - Attend Melbourne Spring Carnival Week - Knit/Crochet a blanket - Trek through Nepal - Own a beach shack - Own outright my own house - Be fluent in a language other than English - Live in Italy/France for a year - Sail the Whitsunday's for a month - Be in Ireland for St Patrick's day - See the running of the Bulls - Eat Snails - Drive Route 66 - Gamble in Vegas - Learn to play the Guitar - Have High Tea in London - Drink Guinness in Ireland -  Sing "The Hills are Alive" in Switzerland - Own a house with a window seat and a tree house - Send Thank You cards for every 'gift' for a year (and then get in the habit of doing it from then on) - Ride my bike to work for a month straight - Visit Gorillas in the Mist - Attend Anzac day at Gallipoli - Learn about my family history on both sides of my family - Host Christmas at my house - Be airlifted out of somewhere - Own a pair of bespoke boots - Have a suit made to measure - Design a clothing range - Hang all my pictures/paintings -