Thursday, September 17, 2009

Double Dose

Is it kosher in the blogging world to delete blog entries? I’m pretty certain I don’t want to become a blog whinging about my friends or the cost of petrol. I wouldn’t want to read that and I’m pretty sure that my non-existent readers don't want to read it either.  So what are my alternatives? A witty commentary regarding my current crochet project? I don’t think so.
So I find myself right back to my very first post, already, only 6 posts in and I’m repeating my content. Apologies.
I’m thinking of creating a list. You see I’m not fabulous about completing anything. I have a very low tolerance to extended projects. But like everyone, I have a list. On my list…
a)Sail around the Whitsunday’s with a beloved/many beloveds for an extended holiday
b)Learn to play the guitar
c)Finish a babette crocheted rug
d)Buy a house
e)Learn how to speak either French, Italian or German
f)Get fit
So now I need to find a way of motivating myself to complete these goals. I’m the queen of procrastinating – even as I type I’m thinking, “I could get up early tomorrow morning, however it will probably still be raining and if I was going to get up early I should already be asleep, I can’t walk in the rain as I’m still recovering from a cold” et al.
I’m thinking bite sized pieces, which should be easy, right? Example, the babette rug, the individual squares each take from 5 minutes to about 30 mins depending on the size to complete. Easy huh.
My first short term goal to reach my Ultimate goal ‘c’ is to complete 10 squares a week. I figure a week rather than a day gives me cramming time. And as I need loads of small squares, in theory this target will be extremely easy to reach, (I need 128 squares of varying size in total). Yikes, so if I only just manage to make my weekly targets this rug will take me months to complete! But I guess if will be complete…
Ok, I’m heading to bed now to contemplate my new goal and to work out ways of tackling my other goals in bite sized chunks.
Sweet dreams
 Just to prove I can do it, here are some squares I prepared earlier ;-) 

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