Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Home sweet Home
I live in a home that was already furnished when I moved in, which was handy; I sold my furniture when I left Sydney 4 years ago and haven't needed to buy any since. But this means I don't feel settled. I am rarely at home (haven't eaten there in over 2 weeks) and on weekends I leave early and arrive home late. The house is owned by my parents (whom are farmers) so I rent it at extremely low rent and a great location. But I want my own home.
I'm conflicted, I'm buying a home by myself (singlish remember) and I'm trying to be extremely sensible about it, this will be the biggest item I've bought by a long shot. And coming from a long line of farmers, I'm trying to buy a house on a little tiny bit of land as opposed to a unit or a villa. I've been at this for months. Extending the already long list of suburbs I'll consider, changing my mind about renovated vs "character", tossing up between 2 or 3 bedrooms, calculating how much gardening time I can dedicate each week and on and on.
I've come close to only 1 property that I quite liked and considered putting in an offer on. But that was sold for considerably more money than I was willing to pay for it. And so the search continues.
I know I'll find it; my character cottage on 400sqm of land, close to the city with only minor work needed to make it sparkling, for a bargain price.
Fingers crossed
Friday, September 18, 2009
Friday Musings... I love Fridays!
To add to my beautiful Friday, (which miraculously involves an un-forecast sunny day!) the blogs I trawl as a matter of course on my mornings have mostly included beautiful sunny flower arrangements. So I share with you, a beautiful arrangement from the team at Design*Sponge.
Have a fabulous weekend.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Double Dose
Struggle Town
But the straw that’s breaking my back at the moment is someone close to me going is through a tough time at the moment and being extremely negative and moody.
Now I’m generally an upbeat sort of person who can manage not to be too affected by the moods of others, but this is really starting to get me down. I can empathise with this friend; they’re going thru some tough stuff at the moment, and they’re the sort of person who wears their heart on their sleeves, nothing is hidden. But they’re starting to take me down with them! I’m struggling at the moment not to hide myself away from them to wait out the storm. I can feel my anxiety levels rising and I keep telling myself to breath. This friend also works with me, very closely and in a very small office, so I feel like I’m tippy toeing around the place constantly. What do I do?!?!?
This brings me to my second problem; I’m posting this on a blog, which has no audience (well I don’t think I do). Am I posting this in the hope that once I put it out into the blogosphere, I will feel like my problem has been shared (or rather aired) and then I can put it behind me and move forward?
I’m a big fan of the Bossy Blog on, Bossy is a psychotherapist and holds nothing back. Her advice is sensible and blunt. My guess with most the of the people who write in, is that as soon as they hit that send button (and sometimes earlier) they cotton on to what advice is going to be give and what path they will be taking before Bossy has had a chance to unleash herself. So I wonder if the same will happen to me.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Perth Appreciation Society
§ I love that it takes me 15 minutes to drive to work when I live on the other side of the CBD to my office
§ I love that even though my friends live suburbs away they are all still no more than 20 minutes away
§ I love that the beach is so accessible to everyone and that it doesn’t cost a cent to park there all day
§ I love that my family are all in this state, if not in the city with me
§ I love that people are so relaxed
§ I love that mostly, things are not too expensive
§ I love the fresh air,
Ok, using poetic licience, this is @ Redgate near Margaret River
Friday, September 11, 2009
Friday Musings... Big Sis/Lil Sis
This whole health scare for Lil Sis has made me realise just how ingrained the Big Sis/Lil Sis relationship is for me. My Lil Sis is 6 years younger than me and we have two brothers between me and her. When we were very young, she was just a little doll to me, when I was a teenager, she was the embarrassing little sister who would pull my skirt down in front of all my friends and just hang around, loitering... And then I went to boarding school, she was still in primary school and with the farm hours away from the city, I didn’t see my family much at all. Then… I moved to Sydney with a boyfriend pretty much a year after leaving school, so I only saw my family on bi-yearly holidays; for the next 9 years. However during that time, Lil Sis started at boarding school herself, and so began the weekly phone calls, talking about how inedible the food was, how strict the house mistresses were, and how much we missed the farm, and after boarding school, the weekly phone calls continued… She flew to Sydney at the drop of a hat when my relationships ripped my world apart and all I could do was sob on the phone, devastated that my dreams had been shattered, she taught me that I wasn’t the only protective one.
When I moved back to Perth, I moved in with her and her then boyfriend, where we lived reasonably harmoniously for 2 years, surviving a surprise pregnancy, wedding and very difficult infancy for Miss C – all happened to Lil Sis, my life continued on an even keel. I still only live a 3 minute drive from Lil Sis and see her roughly 6 days a week. Particularly now her pregnancy is going through some difficulties.
I love her fiercely and want to protect her from being hurt, but I struggle to remember to live my own life and not smother her and hers, and probably most importantly that I don’t always have to be 3 minutes away. That by giving Lil Sis, her hubby and Miss C space, that they will have the chance to develop their own little family dynamics. Hmmm, it would appear I not only dispense self help advice to friends, I can provide the advice to myself also… But will I take the advice?
Hugs to all the Big and Lil Sisters out there.

And because she will (probably) never know, here's a pic of my Lil Sis, aged about 2... x
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I had one such dear friend call me this morning; we pick up our conversation immediately from where it was left off a month ago. A mild crisis she is facing, I love M dearly. She has helped me through many a crisis of my own, and true to our relationship, there was laughter and tears in our short 30 minute conversation. She is a Spanish/Filipino whirlwind, so everything is just spinning nicely just waiting to unleash itself on the world. I admire her greatly, she is passionate about everything she does, one glance at her and you know exactly how she's feeling. I feel so removed from my emotions and life compared to her, she knows where she wants to be, she's just struggling to recognise the path to get there. Which is where I come in, me, the sensible, 'straight laced' girl. I'm the one who gently prods her back onto the path, gently props her up when she’s feeling like she just can’t do it alone, and hugs her and sends her off into the world until the next deviation. And she will get there, I have no doubts in my mind.
S x