Monday, June 28, 2010

What a day - 28th June!

Today is quite an amazing day. Today my grandmother turns 80. Isn't that just an amazing milestone? 

Sadly, my grandmother suffers from Alzheimer's. Her stories and her personality are slowly being taken from her.  The stories she tells now are often not hers and they tend to take off on some fantastic tangent, or they just circle around on a loop until she fades them out. She no longer bakes bread daily, no longer swims in the ocean with her buddies every morning, no longer busy's herself organising amazing seafood banquets for her family - She is no longer the carer. She can't play piano from memory, but she still remembers how to read the music. One of the few activities that brings her joy.

So happy birthday Mana. 


PS - In other exciting news today, a friend turns 33, my mum and dad celebrate their wedding anniversary and another friend has her house settlement today! What a day! Ohhh, and I'm test driving my new scarf courtesy of Lisa from Knitting Inspirations at Perth Upmarket yesterday - was great fun, but packed! 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Change is good - right?

I notice a gentle wave of change, is it that its finally winter here now?? (Although sun is shining at present!)

Small Change 1
Over the weekend, whilst driving some friends around, a crappy song came on the radio, I did my usual thing, hit the next button in sequence, which had another crappy song (commercial radio). My front seats passenger friend looked at me with exasperation in his eyes and hit the end button, Triple J. And you know what, its still on that station and I'm loving the change.

Small Change 2
Just now, I've had to interrupt my post, one of my dearest friends just called. And we spent 50 minutes on the phone chatting (And yes, I'm at work!), it was all about the subtle changes that have occurred in her life in the past 6 months which have turned out to be very big changes in nearly ever aspect of her life! In a very good way. 

Small Change 3
So to honour these changes, when blogger asked if I'd like to look at some new template options, I thought, why not? So here- my sunnier, brighter blog.

Baby Mason - baby boy number three, was born last Friday, so three boys in two days. He's amazing, they are all amazing, simply amazing! 


Friday, June 11, 2010

Love on a Friday

My heart is filled with love and joy. 

I love how a new baby can do that. They are magic magic little people, they seem so vulnerable and yet so strong. They have an incredible force, they bring love to the forefront, worries dissipate for a short time, the outside world fades for a moment while you stare at this tiny person and wonder what amazing adventures are ahead. 

My two cousins have had babies, boy's, born on the same day but on different sides of the country. And will both probably end up with a nickname of Eli! And I won't get to meet either of them for a little while yet. 

And yet, My heart is filled with love and joy.

Congrats to R and E and goodluck C!

All my love