Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I made this

I've decided that I don't want to be reposting from other's websites/blogs. While I was trawling through the many blogs I read each day and as I was jumping from blog to blog, they were referring to the same source of information. It made me a little frustrated, sure, I get that there's not too much original content out there in this world, but please, try and be a little more inventive! 
So, this is my first "I made this" post. 
Bruchetta inspired spaghetti. Was delish!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Australia Day!

Happy Happy Australia Day! One of those fabulous days on the Australian Calendar, where I will, tomorrow morning, be jumping on a giant inflatable haviana thong and floating out to sea at Cottesloe beach along with approximately 800 others. 
Hopefully they are a little bigger than these Havvies! 

Have a great day ppls!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

La Paris

Happy New Year! 
So I might just be ticking off one of my "to do's" from the list! Hurrah! (I always think of Enid Blyton when I see Hurrah! I digress). I'm holidaying in France at the beginning of March and I am tres excited! As a happy coincidence, this means I get to tick Learning a language off my list. While I  may not quite get to the fluent stage, I'm just happy to be going to French lesson. And I'm loving it. I don't think I've learnt something I had to study for since I left school, some 15 odd years ago. After the first class my head just hurt, you know that same feeling you get after the first day of a new job, the feeling that makes you wonder just how much in over your head you really are? So it was with some trepidation that I returned last night, and hurrah! all is good. There wasn't that nervous energy in the room, everyone was actually relaxed and laughing at our stupid selves. So I'm really looking forward to Monday's class now.
With the preparations of this trip I'm become painfully aware of a terrible habit I have. Whenever I get close to an oversea's holiday, I go on this crazy shopping splurge. And I mean insane. 
So far for this trip I have bought online: 
1 x pair of ridiculously expensive waterproof boots (which I justified by telling myself that at least I'll be able to wear these ones in Australia afterwards)
2 x Cashmere wrap style cardigans, one in Black, one in White (see above justification)
1 x Cashmere camisole (justification was that it would be silly not to reach the 'free delivery' limit)
1 x Cashmere drawstring pants (see above justification) (NB I did actually delete another $100 off the order when sense kicked in momentarily)
1 x Pair of Skinny Leg Jeans (because the other 2 pairs of skinny leg jeans I already have just aren't quite soft enough to travel in)
2 x Hand knitted Woolen Beret, one grey and one mustard colour (justification was I hate being cold and they were just so darn cute!)
1 x length of Boiled Wool Fabric, to make a cape to travel with (justification was that at least I wasn't buying it ready made!)
1 x Short French Course (didn't really need to justify too much, its on 'the list' right!?)

Still to buy
1 x Puffer Jacket (because as much as the cape will be cute, it probably won't be practical at all times)
1 x Skins or equivalent (don't want to be getting DVT! Plus they have dual application, also double as thermals)

So I estimate that so far the trip has cost me $1,400 (which doesn't include items still to buy, and flights and accommodation), bloody hell. 

The stupidity of it all is that I will want to buy things in London! Because, well its London! And fashion over there is just so interesting compared with Aussie fashion - I'm talking affordable fashion here, not high end. 

I'll have to work out a way to curb my behaviour.

Au Revoir!