Sadly, my grandmother suffers from Alzheimer's. Her stories and her personality are slowly being taken from her. The stories she tells now are often not hers and they tend to take off on some fantastic tangent, or they just circle around on a loop until she fades them out. She no longer bakes bread daily, no longer swims in the ocean with her buddies every morning, no longer busy's herself organising amazing seafood banquets for her family - She is no longer the carer. She can't play piano from memory, but she still remembers how to read the music. One of the few activities that brings her joy.
So happy birthday Mana.
PS - In other exciting news today, a friend turns 33, my mum and dad celebrate their wedding anniversary and another friend has her house settlement today! What a day! Ohhh, and I'm test driving my new scarf courtesy of Lisa from Knitting Inspirations at Perth Upmarket yesterday - was great fun, but packed!